I taste colours before applying and my soul enjoys them a lot.
Coding is my secondary tool of design for rapid prototyping.
To me, everyone is a designer 🪄 and I enjoy learning from others. I am a nature taught human who likes to work in diverse global teams.
Idetification of users and
their personalities.
Digestible insights from qualitative and quantitative feedback.
Main methods to collect
users' data.
Measuring the percentage of pain points that have been successfully addressed and resolved over a specific period of time.
An iterative and incremental software design process by focusing users and business needs.
Designing visual media which combines elements of user interface design, storyboarding and simulation techniques.
My Employer's Business Privacy is My Privacy 🔒
My public portfolio has no boundry and covers all of the domains and dimensions. Actual portfolio (private - real work done for Multinational, Multicultural organizations) is only available during recruitment process due to the privacy and confidentiality.
The research work investigates the perceived persuasiveness of different goal types as defined by the 3×2 Achievement Goal Model, what people like and dislike about them and the role that behavior change intentions play when aiming at increasing step counts